Andre Paulo do Carmo Barreto
Andre Paulo do Carmo Barreto

Andre Paulo do Carmo Barreto is in his final year at UNDIL, majoring in the International Relations Department. He works as a social worker for the LGBTIQ+ community in the "Road to Acceptance" program for HATUTAN Youth Movement, providing SOGIESC training in 13 municipalities and universities in Dili. This initiative is supported by the US Embassy and the Canadian Embassy Representative in Jakarta. Additionally, Andre works at Marie Stopes International Timor-Leste as a Demand Generator & Educator, providing sexual reproductive health education, HIV/AIDS awareness, and sexual transmission and infection prevention in Buacau, Viqueque, and Lautem.

He coordinates with local authorities to facilitate workshops and seminars supported by the Australian Embassy in Timor-Leste. As the Founder and Coordinator of the Volunteer Group Youth for Sustainability Alliance Timor-Leste, Andre focuses on digital literacy, human rights, sexual harassment, and climate change projects targeting university and high school students. This initiative is supported by UN Women Timor-Leste.

Andre also serves as a facilitator in various activities and volunteers in community service projects such as RYLA-TL, advocating for social issues including SOGIESC and the LGBTIQ+ community, disability rights, and environmental concerns. Additionally, he volunteers at Buimau Timor-Leste, advocating for feminist issues in the country.

Omlas Project: “Empower youth in Timor-Leste to become active advocates for online safety and digital literacy”. The most pertinent issues that we want to address through this activity are fake news, misinformation, hate speech, gender stereotypes, and online gender-based violence, which have been prevalent in Timor-Leste. Our focus aligns with SDG 5: Gender Equality. Youth aged 18-30 in all diversities in Dili municipalities will benefit from the project's workshops, training sessions, and leadership development initiatives. Communities in Timor-Leste will benefit from the advocacy efforts of empowered youth groups, leading to a reduction in the spread of misinformation and online gender-based violence. Women, girls, as well as LGBTIQ+ individuals, and people with disabilities, in particular, will benefit from increased awareness and advocacy efforts aimed at addressing the negative impacts of online gender-based violence and misinformation on their psychological well-being and online access.