Rohina Ghafori
Rohina Ghafori

Rohina Ghafori is a resident of Mazar, Afghanistan, holding a bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering. With work experience in agriculture and construction projects with both local and international organizations, she brings a diverse skill set to her endeavors. Notably, she is an alumna of Unisfere (University Research Fellowship of Afghanistan) and has actively participated in a range of sustainability activities. During her tenure as an OMLAS Fellow, she gained extensive knowledge and experience in leadership, with a specific focus on Sustainable Development leadership. Rohina aspires to become a cross-boundary leader and make a positive impact on humanity and the world, starting from her country.

Her OMLAS project idea, "Afghan Women Livelihood by Kitchen Gardening at Home," directly addresses SDG 2: Zero Hunger and SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities. It indirectly empowers women (SDG 5) and reduces mental health problems faced by Afghan women due to restrictions on education and employment. Additionally, the project impacts SDG 1: No Poverty and SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth. The chosen location for implementation is the Sholgara-Balkh province of Afghanistan. Rohina has initiated her social entrepreneurship in her community under the name of Sustainers.