Tshering Lhamo
Tshering Lhamo

Tshering Lhamo holds a Bachelor of Arts in History from Sherubtse College, the first accredited college in Bhutan. She is currently working as a travel consultant specializing in eco-tourism at a travel agency based in Thimphu, the capital city of Bhutan. She is also a volunteer at ACQUAINT, an online platform that fosters global connections through intercultural communication training. Additionally, she freelances as a digital graphics designer.

OMLAS Project: Along with OMLAS Fellow from Bhutan, Tshering Lhamo aims to promote inclusiveness for people with disabilities by making sign language another recognized form of communication in Bhutan. They want to educate people, especially future citizens, to interact and communicate with people with disabilities seamlessly. Their project is initially based in Paro, Bhutan, with the intention of expanding nationwide. She will be contributing towards SDG 4: Quality Education and SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities through her project.